Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning berbantuan Modul dan Jobsheet terhadap Hasil Belajar Instalasi Motor Listrik


Devi Pertiwi
Ilham Akbar Darmawan
Mustofa Abi Hamid


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the problem-based learning (PBL) learning model assisted by modules and jobsheets on learning outcomes in electric motor installation subjects. This research uses a quantitative approach, the research method used is the quasi-experiment method. The results of this study are: The learning outcomes obtained are not only in the form of increased knowledge but also improved thinking skills that can be applied to real problems. quasi-experimental research or quasi-experimental (quantitative). There is a significant effect of using the Problem-Based Learning model on learning outcomes in the experimental class, and there is an influence on learning outcomes in the control class. This shows that there is a significant difference between the average post-test scores of the experimental class and the post-test scores of the control class using the Problem-Based Learning model assisted by Modules and Jobsheets in learning outcomes in the Electric Motor Installation subject. Then there is the influence of the Problem-Based Learning model on student learning outcomes in the eyes of Electric Motor Installation.



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